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Quality, Loving Pet Care, in Your Own Home in Cloverdale, White Rock, Surrey, North Delta, & Langley, BC, Canada

Cat's Cradle Cares For Canines,Too! (...Dog Walking, Dog Sitting, & Pet Taxi...)

Click here to Request a Quote !





Each Care Visit includes the following:

- Fresh food and water, in clean bowls.

- Bringing in newspapers and mail.
- Puss' litterbox cleaned and/or changed. - Watering plants (may require extra time, depending on #).
- Pooch let out or taken for walk. - Taking garbage and recycling out to curb on garbage day.
- Brushing, cuddles, and tummy rubs (unless Puss or Pooch doesn't like the mushy stuff!). - Rotating curtains, drapes, & blinds, and turning lights, TV, & radio on or off .
- Medications and injections. - Other small pets fed and watered.
- Play time, with fun games such as Mock Mouse Hunting, Cat Dancer, Fetch, and Tag!  



Additional Services Available:

Sub-Q fluid treatments
Extra 15 or 30 minutes of cuddles and play
Special meals cooked
Cleaning cages of other small pets
Patio plants watered in summer
Other needs? Please email and ask!


Visa and MasterCard now accepted!



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Revised: October 15,2019




Website and Logo Designed by Lawana Quest.........................................................................................© 2005-2018 Cat's Cradle Critter Sitter™. All Rights Reserved


Cat's Cradle Critter Sitter provides pet sitting, dog walking, and home checks, in Cloverdale, White Rock, Surrey, North Delta, and Langley BC, Canada, and for the following postal codes: V3A,V3S,V4A,V4B,V4N,V4P,V4W,V1M,V2Y,V2Z,V4E,V4C,V3V,V3T,V3R,V3W,V3X.







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